Organic fertilizers/input

The Concept of “Hidden Hunger” in Agriculture

The Concept of "Hidden Hunger" in Agriculture and Malnutrition of Humens! Hidden hunger in plants refers to the deficiency of essential micronutrients such as iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and iodine that are required for proper growth and development of the plant, but yet has no deficiency symptoms and are present in very small quantities in the soil. Even though these...
Organic fertilizers/inputSoil Health

Soil Organic Carbon: Crucial Role in Sustainable Agriculture

Soil Organic Carbon: SOC refers to the carbon content present in the organic matter of the soil, such as dead plant and animal materials in various stages of decomposition. Crucial Role of SOC in Crop Production: Nutrient Cycling: SOC acts as a reservoir of nutrients, including nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. It undergoes decomposition by soil microorganisms, releasing these essential nutrients...
Soil Health

Electric Conductivity of Soil & Plant Growth

Soil EC & Crop Growth 🔹 Agricultural soil EC: (Electrical Conductivity) refers to the measure of the soil's ability to conduct electrical current. It provides information about the salt content and overall fertility of the soil. The EC value indicates the concentration of dissolved salts in the soil solution. 🔹 Measurement of soil EC: is typically done using a device...
Environmental safetySoil Health

Conversion of Food Waste to Nutritious Organic Fertilizer

🔸 Food Waste to Nutritious Organic Fertilizer: Food waste is a global challenge that not only burdens landfills but also represents a significant loss of valuable resources. However, an ingenious solution exists within our grasp: composting. This practice of transforming food scraps into nutrient-rich organic fertilizer presents an eco-friendly, sustainable, and commercially beneficial alternative. Food waste stands out as a...
Sustainable Agriculture Practices

Crop Rotation: Significance in Sustainable Agriculture

Crop Rotation: Crop rotation is a fundamental agricultural practice with several significant benefits for sustainable farming. It involves the systematic alternation of different crops in a specific sequence or pattern on same land over time. Significance of Crop Rotation: ▪️Soil Health Improvement:Crop rotation helps maintain soil fertility by preventing the depletion of specific nutrients. Different crops have varying nutrient requirements...
Organic fertilizers/input

Biopesticides: Effective & Eco- friendly Paste Control

Biopesticides are the pesticides derived from natural sources such as animals, plants, bacteria, & certain minerals. They are used to control pests, including insects, pathogens in agricultural practices. Unlike chemical pesticides, biopesticides generally have lower toxicity levels and are considered to be more environmentally friendly. The use of biopesticides holds significant benefits for both human health and environmental protection 1.Human...
Organic fertilizers/input

The Role of Mycorhizal Fungi in Soil Health

The Role of Mycorrhizal Fungi in Soil Health In the world of sustainable agriculture,  Mycorrhizal Fungi is a tiny but powerful ally. These fungi have a significant role to play in improving soil health, enhancing soil structure, and boosting nutrient absorption. What are Mycorrhizal Fungi? Mycorrhizal fungi are a type of beneficial fungi that form a symbiotic relationship with most...
Environmental safety

Soil Carbon Sequestration & Organic Fertilizers

♻️ Soil Carbon Sequestration & Organic Fertilizers:  Climate change has become an imminent global challenge, prompting a search for innovative solutions. Among these solutions, the role of organic fertilizers in mitigating climate change through soil carbon storage stands out as a promising avenue. Organic fertilizers, derived from natural sources like compost, manure, and plant residues, play a pivotal role in...
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